Digitizing photos

When we started purging, I was amazed on how much stuff we accumulated over the years. Today I decided to start scanning our old photos, and was equally amazed on how many boxes of photographs we have. I took all day to scan about a thousand photos and I think I still have a thousand to go. Some of them we had no idea what they were, or where they came from. but it was a fun day, and doing it brought back a lot of good memories.

Here’s some that made us smile:

Grandfather with his farm workers
Grandfather with his farm workers


Debbie's Family
Debbie’s Family


Dad at Fort Rucker Alabama 1952
Dad at Fort Rucker Alabama 1952


Me with the Cordoba circa 1970. Yes it did have Corinthian Leather
Me with the Cordoba circa 1970. Yes it did have Corinthian Leather


Our wedding picture
Our wedding picture

Now that this batch is scanned and categorized, I think the next batch will go a lot faster. And we’ll be able to bring them all along on our travels without the boxes of photo albums taking up precious storage space. (it’s a good thing that my computer has 4TB of storage)

Safe travels!